More Designs

A selection of other designs for various clients and purposes, most with a focus on graphic design and illustration.

Humble Hayseeds Logo


Humble Hayseeds are a bluegrass band based in Beulah, Colorado. They needed a logo for their t-shirts and merch and I love working with bands, so I was happy to oblige.

Thumbnails of prospective Humble Hayseed logos.
The final Humble Hayseed logo.

Fly Agaric Sticker


I designed and illustrated a sticker to warn people against eating fly agaric (aka amanita muscaria) mushrooms, because they could make you sick.
You can find this sticker and others on my Etsy page.

A red mushroom with cream-colored spots smiles. The title says "Don't Eat Me".
A sticker of the fly agaric mushroom I illustrated.

Blue Rose Scripts


Blue Rose Scripts is an editing service based in Florida. I was commissioned to create their logo.
I worked closely with the client, sending a variety of thumbnails and created the logo based on their feedback. I really enjoyed this project, because, who doesn't love a logo with a pretty flower? 

Thumbnails for the Blue Rose Scripts logo. I showed these to the client to see what direction they wanted to take.
The final Blue Rose Scripts logo.

Saturation Sweeties


A cereal box mock-up for a fictional cereal promoting Adobe Photoshop's saturation tools. This was an unbelievably fun intersection of graphic design and illustration that still makes me smile.

The cereal box for Saturation Sweeties. A pink unicorn beams in front of a bowl of multicolored marshmallows.

Corvid Stamps


This was an illustration challenge that I really enjoyed. I created some stamps of popular corvid birds in Adobe Illustrator.

A selection of three stamps with birds on them. Each bird is a different type of corvid; A blue jay, a magpie and a raven.
©2024, Emily Bryant